
Start Your Child Journey with Elizabetine

Read more about how Bright Star’s Elias C. graduated with his high school diploma from Stella High Charter Academy and two associates degrees in the same week!

Elizabetine School at a Glance

Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs & Activities
Active PTFA Members

Learning Begins With Us

We the Fransiscan sisiters of St. Elizabeth, gaining spiritual strength from our spiritual mentor St. Elizabeth of Hungary, consider education as an integral formation of the human person for the fulfilment of his / her individual and social responsibilities.

Truth, Morality, Suffering and Service are the corner stones upon which the ediffice of the students personality is being constructed. We aspire to inculcate values of holistic philosophy into the life of the students by promoting his / her Spriritual health, Mental health, Physical health, Social health and Enviornmental health, in a synchronized mode. We aim at developing the leaders of future India, who are intellectually integrated, spiritually moulded, monally upright, physically firm, and socially acceptable. We expect them to champion the cause of justice, love, peace and who are even open for future growth.

Course instructor with orange folder


Physical Fitness

Intellectual competence

Cultural Programs

Spiritual Growth