Both, Parents and students should keep in mind the following principles of discipline:
- Students are to maintain a high standard of good manners and general behaviour. They should be polite and well behaved. They should nurture the qualities of respect for elders and teachers; cultivate the virtues of honesty and truthfulness. Always keep in mind that the school image is judged by the student’s conduct.
- Student should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct within the school, but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported of observed objectionable conduct out of school shall make them liable to disciplinary action.
- At the first warning bell in the morning, students should keel silence and, move towards their class room and from there proceed to the assembly ground accompanied by their respective class teachers. Students have to maintain proper order and silence when they go in and out from the class.
- If a student needs to leave the school compound, he /she must get the necessary permission.
- Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person are expected.
- Students are not allowed to receive visitors / phone calls without permission.
- The use of ornaments and other valuables are forbidden in the school. The violation of this is at one’s own risk.
- Parents / guardians are requested to make prior appointment to meet the principal, teacher or other staff of the school. Interruption of the duty is not allowed.
- Respect for one’s property and of the school and those of others is the mark of a well-bred and responsible student. Damage to the school property will have to be made good by the student.
- Books and periodicals, pictures, video games, comics, cutting instuments, toys etc: which are not approved by the school authorities will be confiscated.
- Disobedience to the teachers, speaking iii of others, irregular attendance, habitual inattention in the class, indecent words or actions, damaging school property or any other behaviour considered by the head of the institution as detrimental to the good of the school are sufficient reasons for disciplinary action.
- All are expected to speak ENGLISH in the school premises.
- Students are not allowed to enter the staff room without permission.
- The school authority reserves the right to dismiss students whose diligence of progress is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
- Every pupil of this school is required to have a copy of the school Diary which must be brought to school on all school days, failing which one may forfeit that day’s attendance. One should, moreover, make oneself acquainted with the rules and obey them.
- Irregular attendance, habitual requests for leave, obscenity (verbal or by act), insubordination to teachers, (even outside school premises) or any habits of objectionable behaviour are sufficient reasons for the expulsion of a pupil.
- Running, playing or shouting inside the school building particularly in the classrooms is never allowed. Pupils should not be walking about the school varandhas during the class hours and while moving from one class to another, they should see to it that the neighbouring classes are not disturbed, and that they move in silence and in order.
- Care must be taken of all school property and no one should scratch or spoil desks, benches and chairs or damage any school furniture. Care should be taken that the younger ones are not harmed in anyway. Pupils should avoid defacing the walls or floor of the school building by writing or drawing anything on them. Waste paper should not be thrown about. It must be deposited in the waste paper basket.
- Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
- For breach of any of the school rules or norms of conduct a pupil may be punished or fined at the discretion of the principal. Dishonesty will be penalized by expulsion from the school.
- In case of absence no child will be admitted to class without leave note. In case of long leave prior application should be given to the principal.
- Special care must be taken by pupils and teachers to maintain an atmosphere of silence and serious work during class hours. Silence is to be maintained in the class room and along corridors by all.
- Parents should notify the school of any change in their ad dress or phone number.