“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes you great”.

To ensure that the students develop their academic skills, our school has taken different initiatives throughout the year.

‘No education can be completed without the arts and creativity’. The annual report showcases the achievements and glories of our school. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality.



Fresher’s day took place on 4th June. STEPS family welcomed the tiny-tots with open arms. We always believe in a holistic approach to education and help them to grow from tiny buds into beautiful blossoms. Rev. Antony Chalakkat,  Vicar of St. Mary’s Church inaugurated the function. Principal and Staff welcomed the tiny buds.


A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. The innovative method, used by our teachers were projected the enhanced academic curriculum. Periodic tests and Term Examinations are conducted regularly. Students scored above 95% are awarded and praised during assembly. Every month plus points are given to the students through diaries. Prizes are given to the top ten students who get maximum plus points. This system encourages the students to do good, to behave properly and to do well in examinations.


Staying updated is the key to success in any field especially in the field of education. Our teachers including our Principal constantly strive to stay updated by attending workshop and various other programmes. Different skills can be developed through such platforms which have immense value for students and their upcoming future.

Student Enrichment Programme

Our students are equipped with life skills to face any challenges of life. We have focused on student council activities, monthly enrichment programmes and daily assembly to improve their talents & innate powers. Public speaking, Personality Development classes and other awareness classes were conducted and led by the professionals  for the all-around development of the students.

To maintain a good health different awareness classes were given to the students such as Personal and Social hygiene and eating habbits by Dr. Sr.Brijitha Vettamthadathil, M.D. Medical checkups were arranged for teachers and students.

The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priority. In order to maintain a safe environment for our students to study and learn, it is necessary that we practice our emergency and crisis plans routinely such as fire drill, Earthquake Drill, School Bus Evacuation.

Co curricular activities

By providing a conductive and encouraging environment, the students were participating in intra and inter curricular activities. It enables the students to grow with confidence.

Extra-curricular activities

Children are born with tremendous caliber and talents. They are given ample opportunities in the school to bring out their efficiency and improve their talents. We conduct extracurricular activities every Thursday.

To improve the reading skills of our students, ‘Reading week’ was observed from 19th to 25th June. On those days, quiz competition was conducted based on the topic, ‘famous books& Authors’.

On June 7th, we celebrated Environment day with an aim to protect our Mother nature.  The management handed out a sapling to each class and teachers and they planted saplings in the school surroundings Eco-club meeting was gathered on June 17th.

House-wise competition  


‘Strength does not come from physical capacity,it comes from unity ‘.

The students of the school are divided in to four houses such as Blue, Green, Red and Yellow. Each House is managed by teachers, the House Captain & Vice Captain. House day was celebrated with variety of programmes.


International Music day and Yoga day

International Music Day &Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June. A musical performance was organized to enlighten the spirit of Music day. The students and teachers performed ‘Yogasanas’ to rejuvenate their mind and soul.

Independence Day

On August 15th, independence day was celebrated . It created a sense of patriotism among students and teachers. The tricolor flag was hoisted.

Sports fest

National sports day was celebrated on 29th August and a speech was delivered by Ms.Sherin. Our physical education teacher depicted the relevance of sports and games in student’s life.

Onam celebration

Onam was celebrated, remembering the good old days of famous rules of Kerala. The students and teachers were dressed in Kerala style costumes which maintain the ambience of God’s own country. As a part of Onam celebration, we conducted ‘Pookkalam competition’. Children participated with great enjoyment.

Periodic and Term Examinations

As per the CBSE evaluation criteria, school have been regularly monitoring scholastic and co-scholastic performances through periodic and term examination.


Gandhi Jayanthi

As a part of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, students performed a skit and a wonderful speech was also delivered. The famous artist,  Biju panappuzha visited our school. Along with him, there were other talented artists. He made a drawing of Mahatma Gandhi and taught the students how to draw pictures of Gandhiji. A drawing competition was also held and the students participated with great enthusiasm.

Kerala Piravi

On November 1st, Kerala Piravi was celebrated, which helped the students to realize the value of origin of our state. Several programs were conducted as a part of this auspicious day.

Children’s Day

On November 14th, Children’s Day was celebrated. Several programs were conducted by teachers for students.

St.Elizabeth Day

St.Elizabeth Day was celebrated on November 16th with a prayer service. We lifted up our hearts and minds with gratitude to our almighty and our patroness, St.Elizabeth for guiding and leading us.


On December 21st Christmas celebration were conducted. So many programs were arranged including the arrival of  Santa Clause. As a token of love and peace gifts were exchanged.

Charity Drive

In times of need, it’s our basic responsibility to help those who need it. We organized a charity progamme by collecting useful materials from our students as a part of sharing with others and supplied the items to an orphanage.

We have an eminent SMC for our school. They present a wonderful service for our school. They are the back bone of our school activities.

Before concluding this report, I bow my head in reverence to the almighty for the blessings he has showered upon this institution. May I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to our management, students, staff teaching and non-teaching as well as the well-wishers for the whole hearted co-operation.

I conclude with a message for the students “Believe in yourself and all that you know. There is something inside you that is greater than any obstacles”.

Thank you…….