• The school hours are from 9.20am to 3.35pm from Monday to Friday. The students should reach the school at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the school time.
  • Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the Principal’s permission.
  • Pupil coming late in the school loses the benefit of the attendance for the day concerned. They will not be allowed to enter the class without the permission of the Principal. If late for more than 5 times as per due warning, parents will have to give explanation to the Principal.
  • The required percentage of attendance is a must for the pupil to appear for the Annual Examination.
  • It is the responsibility of parents to see that their children are not prone to leave taking. Leave will be granted only in exceptional cases and prior sanction must be obtained unless in an emergency or on medical grounds.
  • Application for leave for less than 2 days should be submitted to the respective class teachers, while that for a longer period should be addressed to the Principal. If a student is continuously absent for more than 5 days without authorization parents may come and meet the Principal in person.
  • Application for leave must be signed by parent/ guardian and must be sent in advance for sanction. Application on medical grounds should be countersigned by an appropriate medical authority.
  • Any damage to the property of the school caused by the student will have to be compensated by the parent.
  • Children suffering from contagious diseases are discouraged from a ending the class until they get well.
  • Withdrawal of the children from classes during school time is not permitted. Parents, who want to take their children to the hospital, home, etc., are advised not to send their children to school for a session or ½ day, as the case may be, but to send a leave note.
  • When a student is selected to represent the school in any non-scholastic competition he/she is expected to be present for it.
  • After the inter-school competitions the parents are requested to pick their wards from the venue or from the school.
  • For any inter-school competitions entrance fees and other fees should be paid by the students.
  • The school reserves the right to dismiss the students whose diligence or progress in studies is consistently unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students or whose parents show little interest in the progress of their wards.
  • The receipts issued by the school office for the payment of the school fees, bus fees, etc., should be produced whenever asked for. They should also be noted in the hand book.
  • Students should label the things they bring to the school by which they can be identified if they are lost. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss of the articles brought by students.


  • Students should attend the school in the prescribed uniform.
  • The school uniform should be clean, full and well pressed. Students who are not smartly dressed may be sent home.
  • Students should assemble class-wise for the assembly.
  • Every student must behave respectfully towards the members of the staff.
  • Every student shall have with him/her the text books and note books required for the class he/she attends. They should not bring any newspapers, periodicals, comics, toys, fancy articles etc. other than school books to the school.
  • Home assignments should be done regularly and carefully and submitted at the stipulated time.
  • The school premises and surroundings should be kept neat and tidy. Unwanted paper bits should be put into waste paper baskets. It is the duty of the students to keep their class rooms absolutely clean.
  • Student’s behavior should be gentlemanly at all times and in all places both inside and outside the school. No shouting or whistling is permitted inside the classroom.
  • Students shall not enter or leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher.
  • Students shall not disturb another class at work on the flimsy plea of borrowing a pen, pencil or book from his/her friend.
  • Jewellery must not be worn in the school. Girls are advised to wear studs only.
  • Medium of instruction and communication in the school is strictly English.
  • Students should have respect to school property. They should not scratch or damage school furniture, write or draw on the walls. Any damage to school property will have to be made good.
  • Students shall neither borrow or lend money nor exchange articles.
  • Playing in class rooms and on corridors is strictly prohibited.
  • Parents are requested to see that their children come to school with proper haircut and hairstyle.
  • When passing along corridors during class hours students shall keep silence. Whenever they have to move to the laboratory, computer room, auditorium, library, etc. they should do so, in an orderly manner and may not disturb the neighbouring classes.
  • Pupils should be polite and courteous and greet their teachers, elders and other students on his/her rst meeting in the school premises.
  • When the teacher enters the classroom, the pupils shall rise and make a short prayer for the class.
  • All school business must be transacted at the school office during the prescribed working hours.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing mobile phones, digital and smart watches and other electronic devices.
  • Every student must get acquainted with the rules and regulations of the school given in this handbook besides the timely instructions given by the authorities through public announcements, notices, mobile application, etc.


  • The school endeavours to maintain a well equipped library, reading room and an audio-visual room.
  • Silence is to be maintained in the library at all times.
  • The school library is open on working days only.
  • Library books can be issued and returned only during the library period and not in any other teaching period.
  • Each student is given a library card through which the books are issued.
  • Exchange of library card is not permitted.
  • Library card must be kept carefully. If lost, a new card will be issued only after verification and on payment of Rs.10
  • Books may be kept for two weeks and must be returned on the date given. Renewal for a third week will be granted on request.
  • Students who keep books longer than the time permitted will have to pay Rs. 5/- per day. The amount is to be paid at the library offi
  • Books in the reference session may not be taken out of the library.
  • Never damage a library book in any way. The damage on books should be brought to the notice of the librarian.
  • All books taken from the library should be returned two weeks before the terminal examination.
  • If a student loses a library book he/she should pay the cost of the book along with the prescribed fine.


  • The school expects the parents to supervise the studies of their children and to take keen interest in their day to day needs like uniform, haircut, notebooks, etc.
  • Exemption for pupils from a ending assembly, physical training and games will only be granted on medical grounds.
  • Parents must encourage their children to take part in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the school.
  • All efforts made by the teachers with regard to student’s training can bear fruit, only if parents co-operate. Hence they are requested to visit the school to meet the teachers on days scheduled for the purpose.
  • Parents are not allowed to meet teachers when they are in their classes. Parents desirous of speaking to teachers about the progress of their children may meet teachers only with the permission of the Principal.
  • Entrusting a pupil to the school implies that parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the school. They should also see that children abide by the school regulations.
  • Daily reports about students, if any, shall be conveyed through the handbook. Parents are expected to sign these reports on the same day. If the handbook is not signed, the ward will not be allowed to attend the class. Please check your child’s diary and note the homework given daily.
  • Parents shall prepare a time-table for home study with the help of the class teacher.
  • Any private tuition by the teachers of the school can be arranged only through the Principal.
  • If parents have any complaints regarding their wards academic behaviour or punishments, they are requested to bring them to the notice of the Principal immediately.
  • Parents may meet the Principal for any information or for making any complaints. No complaints should be made directly to any teacher.
  • Parents shall ensure that:
  • Fees are paid on scheduled dates.
  • Regularly a end parents’ meeting.
  • Children a end school in the prescribed dress and with the required books.
  • Children get enough time at home for lessons and assignments.
  • Children fill in the fees column with the Receipt No. and date


  • A pupil shall have his/her name removed from the rolls on any of the following reasons:
  • If he/she is absent without leave for 7 consecutive working days at any time during the year without valid reason.
  • If he/she has failed a second time in any of the classes.
  • If he/she does not pay the fees of a term within 15 consecutive working days after the expiry of the last day of remittance with fine.
  • If parent/guardian does not comply with the request of the Principal to withdraw the pupil from the school.
  • If parent/guardian does not report to the Principal when called to do so within three days after he/she is in receipt of the message.
  • The Principal reserves the right of refusing continued studies to any pupil whose conduct is found not satisfactory or who is not gaining benefit by his /her study in this school or is a bad influence on others. Misbehavior in school, school bus, bus stops, public places, and streets are sufficient reason for dismissal from the school.


St. Elizabeth Public School is committed to provide the most joyful, creative, exploratory and vibrant school experience and environment for its learners. So we do not assign any homework to the students up to class 2nd. From classes 3rd to 8th, homework is assigned for only two subjects per day alternatively.