

Dear student,

You are a unique person filled with latent potentials. We would like to help you explore the richness of character you are endowed with. To achieve this, we need your cooperation and collaboration. Self-imposed discipline will help you to acquire sublime ideals and attitudes. The following guidelines would help you in this regard:

  1. Be simple in your ways and words.
  2. Avoid using indecent language.
  3. Practice courtesy.
  4. Hospitality and Generosity will pay you rich dividend.
  5. Co-operate with others and secure co-operation of others in all the activities.
  6. Be honest and sincere in all your dealings.
  7. Cultivate the spirit of sacrifice and be ready to extend help to those in need.
  8. Be cheerful and optimistic, radiating joy in your surroundings.
  9. Be clean in your person and modest in your dress.
  10. Be loyal to our school, teachers, and companions.
  11. Consider and treat others as your brothers and sisters.
  12. Do your best in studies and in anything you under take.
  13. Be friendly and not quarrelsome with your companions.


  1. You, the parents/guardians are the real educators. The school is the helper and plays a complimentary role in this matter. You should therefore, involve your selfs in your children’s study, be interested in their homework. Do you part in inculcating regular work habits and discipline.
  2. Nobody can be expected to study well without the proper relaxation and games. Hence, Parents should encourage the children to participate in the extra-curricular activities organized in the school.
  3. Parents are to see that your children do the homework and lessons well and in time.
  4. You are to come to the school whenever requested. You should make it a point to come and collect your child’s report card when informed.
  5. Please present for the PTA meetings and involve yourself actively for the good and growth of the school.
  6. Parents/guardians should visit the school only on the specified days and time.
  7. Official business will be transacted on working day, during the hours only.
  8. Any information or communication to the school is to be made to the proper school authority.
  9. To get any official reply or certificate from the school, a written request is required at least a week in advance.
  10. No sweets or gifts are to be brought and given to the children by the visitors.
  11. Those who make visit to the school should first contact in the office and follow the instruction given.
  12. Parents can meet the teachers during lunch hour and after 3.30p.m. On all the working days. Kindly stick to these timings.


School assembly will be held in the morning of wednesday, The children shout wear special uniform on the assembly day.


Visitors are to be abide strictly by the school rules. They are to report to the school office first and follow the directions given. Parents can meet the teachers at lunch break i.e. between 12.30 to 1.15 p.m. and after 3.30 p.m.